Orion's Void


Friction is what will either make or break your life...

How to use more friction to your advantage

If you're trying to give up a bad habit or vice, you can increase the friction between you and the bad habit. If you're trying to lose weight, but love sweets and simply can't help yourself. Remove all candy from your house and ideally replace it with something healthy. Let's say that you always have bags of chips in your kitchen cupboard. Throw them out and place some fruit in there instead. Apples and bananas are sweet and generally have less sugar than something like a Nutella.

If you are spending too much time on your phone during the day, turn on grayscale mode and uninstall distracting apps. In those rare cases where you "need" those apps also for work. I would suggest installing an app such as One Sec that could help you limit your mindless opening of TikTok. If you have a problem with watching YouTube or other tubes on the desktop. There are fantastic browser extensions for that! In Leech Block you can set schedules and blacklists for specific websites or just their subdomains. So if you wanna limit your YouTube consumption, but want to listen to music on YT Music, you can simply add the [music] subdomain to a whitelist. Or you can use Unhook which allows you to remove certain features from YouTube. Such as comments, recommended videos or the home page.

How to use less friction to your advantage

Removing friction can also be very beneficial. If you hate doing the dishes, for example. Listen to some music or your favorite podcast, while doing so, and I can almost guarantee that it will make the task more bearable. If you don't like running (like myself) and still wanna/have to do it because you want to improve your stamina, lose some weight etc. Again, listen to some upbeat music or your favorite podcast or a YouTuber or if you're running on a treadmill, you can place your phone in front of you and watch a movie.

If you need to do a homework, but literally anything but that looks appealing. Remove it! The distractions, of course, not the homework. If you can, don't do your homework in front of a turned on computer. If you need to do your work on the computer. Make a use of the previously mentioned tools for limiting distractions. It also helps a lot when you compartmentalize your room/living space. Reading books is done on the chair. Emailing and work is done at the desk. Sleeping is done in the bed. Procrastination is done while laying down on the floor, etc.

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