Orion's Void

Hello Bear! (world)

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Hello bears! My name is Orion and this time I decided to try out this remarkable site as perhaps my new main blogging outlet. Currently, I'm posting my stuff at orionsvoid.com, but due to some technical difficulties and my personal beef with WordPress, I was searching for a new way of publishing my thoughts with the folks on the World Wide Web. Recently, I came across this interesting project on GitHub called Bear Blog and decided to check it out. So far, I'm loving this place! Plenty of folks post here daily, which was a pleasant surprise for me. I haven't had too much time for reading yet, but I read a few posts by tiramisu and so far, I'm a fan, haha.

A little about me

I go by the name Orion online. I'm a very privacy conscious because my favorite sci-fi book, 1984 by George Orwell, is becoming less and less fictional with each year going by. Also, the internet is sometimes full of some creepy and nasty people, so I try to be anonymous on the web when possible.

I'm 20 years old, and recently, I graduated from high school. My major is computer science, and currently I'm enjoying the free time before I land a job.

Some of my interests/hobbies

I'm a huge fan of open-source software and its philosophy. I regularly go to the gym to maintain my physical and primarily my mental health. I play video games even though not as much as I used to because I either don't have time to play them or just don't feel like it. Furthermore, I think that I might have partially grown out of them, but I always enjoy playing casual-ish multiplayer games with my friends. When I play alone, it is mostly Minecraft/Minetest. Recently, I started learning programming in Lua because I'm interested in video game development and making mods for Minetest.

Anyways, I think this is enough for my introductory post, haha. Stay tuned for more content in the very near future, and meanwhile, feel free to go through my older posts.

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