Orion's Void

My first job interview

Today I had my first official job interview. Even though I knew there was nothing to be afraid of, I was feeling pretty nauseous and dizzy the whole ride there. Once I arrived at the entrance gate, it went away, but then I started sweating. I was never a big fan of summer, and today was quite hot. Fortunately, the company had running AC basically in every room, so it wasn't that bad once I went inside. I had to show my ID and got a temporary access card even though I didn't really need it, since the nice lady from HR accompanied me throughout the entire visit.

The interview was very technical. Lots of IT jargon and buzzwords. Honestly, I felt like an impostor every time I didn't know something they asked me about, but they were really friendly, and I think I actually made a good first impression. I sort of understood what my role in the team would be, but not completely. Mostly IT support, server maintenance, and admin. It would be fantastic if I got this as my first job because it is a giant international company in my field. I could gain a lot of experience there, and it would look really well on my resume for potential future job opportunities.

In conclusion, as with everything in life, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I was really nervous during the process, but I suppose that is natural and will only get better with time and more social interactions of this kind. Meanwhile, I will be looking through more job offers, just in case they won't hire me.