Orion's Void

The Book

Some time ago, I had a dream. Maybe it was a vision shared to me from the realms beyond my existence. Perchance it was just a mere figment of my imagination, but it was there. The setting was a cozy antique store. I believe that I went there in pursuit of something unique and otherworldly. The illusion of a shopkeeper appeared behind the register and, without any word being spoken, presented me with a leather book. The book was thick and very ancient. I opened the book and there was a brightly colored world of words and shapes floating around. Each shape on this seemingly infinite paper represented a bundle of galaxies and millions, if not billions, of lives. Of course, I was able to find mine! But, how could I? Who was the person in the antique store if not me? Of course, it was I! Just from a different time. A time in which I learned everything there was for me to me learn. I was now just observing my previous work, my previous experiences. "For what purpose?" You may ask. That I don't know...