Orion's Void

The world is yours

This is your daily reminder that the world is indeed yours. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Let me tell you about a theory, a red car theory. It is an exercise you can do today on your way to work, to school, to the park, anywhere where a busy road is. Now, mentally note each red car you see today, or simply remember the total count by the end of the day. By the end of this experiment, you might be surprised at how many red cars are in your neighborhood or city that you hadn't noticed before.

What you water grows. What you focus on grows. Plants which you water will prosper and grow. The ideas and thoughts you water with your attention and emotions will grow. Just be mindful of that during your day-to-day life. You can attract wonderful things and create an incredible experience in this lifetime, but you can also create a dystopic hellscape. The choice is yours...

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